This angers me. Like I'm typing so furiously I may lose keys....
Alright girl, grab your coffee or your wine (whichever time of day you're reading) settle in and let's get to it. If you follow Metal Marvels on Instagram you've noticed a pattern. I wholeheartedly, 100%, all the time, even in my sleep ALWAYS encourage you to be yourself & do so in my daily life. I am me. No questions asked, I won't change for anyone and I certainly won't pretend to be someone else. You've seen that right? Right! I wear our Triple Fuck Necklace on the daily & the word 'Fuck' was legitimately my first word on this planet... So there I am yesterday, just finished making a post about our super awesome new Blankets, scrolling through Facebook, and happen to peek at the useless sidebar of "news." Which you know as well as I do, it's 98% junk & 2% real news. And then it happens. There it is in all it's glory.
"Anne Hathaway Throws Shade at the Kardashians"
Um, I'm sorry, but WHAT?!
First of all, not news. However, what she did seems newsworthy and quite frankly is what angered me to write this post. So below is the image she posted on Instagram:
I don't see this as "shade." Let's disclaimer, I am NOT a fan of the K family & I even cringed typing it out in full up there.
"Why? How can you not like them when so many people love them??"
I'll tell you why. Whenever the day comes I have kids, my nieces & nephews, or well just for myself & people I know... I want them to have role models who DO something. I don't want people & women especially to look up to this family and give them praise. Unfortunately we live in a society where this is happening. People praise, want to be like & even go to lengths to LOOK like a girl who is famous for having sex on video and it "accidentally" being leaked online..... :: insert over exaggerated cartoon head shake:: Yes, people IDOLIZE someone famous for having sex. Her family has since ridden those coattails and figured out how to capitalize on that and things as narcissistic as their looks. But enough about them because that just makes me say grrrrr.....
What really angers me the most, is Anne Hathaway, TOOK THE POST DOWN! Fans went crazy in comments & instead of standing up for herself, for what she believes in, and doing whatever she wants, she TOOK. IT. DOWN! I can't wrap my head around this. It's your Instagram to do with as you please & instead you give in, take it down & replace it with a sort of apology post. (see below)

So let's go back to what I said at the beginning and in the title, BE YOUR FUCKING SELF. I understand that she's in the public eye & censors slightly for a certain persona she has. However, it's not like she said "Fuck the Kardashians," a statement that has left my lips. She simply said that in a world full of girls making pornos & getting rich off of it, be a hard working actress. Be someone who memorizes lines, fully dedicates herself to roles and crushing them during long hours of movie filming. My other personal favorite meme is "In a world full of Kardashians... Be an Audrey." YES! Be an Audrey! Be a women who dedicated her life to acting and to being a damn good human. Audrey Hepburn was a special ambassador to the United Nations UNICEF fund helping children in Latin America and Africa, and even created the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund.
So why in a world full of women like THAT would you want to look up to a women like Kim K? Let alone why would an established woman, give in to the criticism of her beliefs. I stand by Anne's original post. I encourage you to idolize someone worthy of being an idol. Don't give in to critics. If you want to do something, do it. If you want to say something, say it. As long as you're not being an asshole then it's OK. A young lady commented on Anne's Facebook page & I loved what she said...
"Your message was brief, but important. "Be unique & follow your own tune." You won't believe how many women I work with, who aspire to be like a Kardashian. Whenever I ask why, the answer is "they're famous, they're glamorous, they've got big "butts". It's never "they touch the world with their talents or their charity, or kindness". Beauty is fleeting, and if it's all you've got in this world, then one truly hasn't lived at all."
So go, get out there. Be your fucking self & if you want to look up to someone, look up to someone who had credentials. I'm talking girls who bust their ass daily, trying to make a name for themselves, slave over a 9-5 job waiting for the day they're able to live their passions, women who are conquering the world of science, women in BUSINESS who are millionaires in their twenties, etc, etc... I could go on. Get a REAL role model. Don't have one? I'll be one. I mean I think I'm pretty fucking cool. But really though, if you need a list to check out.... Here ya go, click HERE. Forbes Top 100 Most Powerful Women is a damn good place to start. All women who are kicking ass at their craft, being good humans, giving back, and being bad ass boss bitches.
And with that, I'm out. Luckily the keyboard is still in one piece. Smooches babes! Get out there and kick ass today!
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I copied and posted this in facebook!
I almost want a shirt made now that says “In a World of Kardashians, Be YOURSELF!” Love this post doll and yes you are pretty fucking cool. :-)
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